Young Inspectors Training


On the Saturday the 27th of April, members of Cardiff Youth Council’s (CYC’s) ‘support youth services’ priority subgroup began their training towards becoming young inspectors. They looked at the National Participation Standards, how to be assertive rather than aggressive or passive and also how different personality types can contribute in a group setting.  The group also developed a series of interactive workshop sessions to deliver in ACT, a Cardiff based training provider, to the young people on their training courses.

Alana (17) says, “The training helped me to become more aware of what is currently going on in the city around us [this was in reference to the session delivered around EOTAS provision in Cardiff in order to educate them about the work ACT do]. It also helped me develop different skills including how to inspect alternative education provisions.”

During the 6 hour training day the young people experienced a breadth of different training, they got to enjoy some pizza as well as some team building games and exercises. This training will enable them to feel confident when interacting with the students of ACT and enable them to carry out inspections in the future.

Watch this space for updates as to how they get on in ACT and for updates about any other upcoming inspections.

Hyfforddiant Archwilwyr Ifanc

Ar ddydd Sadwrn 27 Ebrill, dechreuodd aelodau is-grŵp blaenoriaeth ‘cefnogi gwasanaethau ieuenctid’ Cyngor Ieuenctid Caerdydd (CIC) eu hyfforddiant i fod yn archwilwyr ifanc. Edrychon nhw ar y Safonau Cyfranogiad Cenedlaethol, sut i fod yn bendant yn hytrach nag yn ymosodol neu’n oddefol, a sut gall personoliaethau gwahanol gyfrannu at sefyllfa grŵp.  Gwnaeth y grŵp hefyd ddatblygu cyfres o sesiynau gweithdy rhyngweithiol i’w cyflawni yn ACT, darparwr hyfforddiant Caerdydd, i’r bobl ifanc ar eu cyrsiau hyfforddiant.

Dywedodd Alana (17), “Helpodd yr hyfforddiant fi i ddod yn fwy ymwybodol o’r hyn sy’n digwydd yn y ddinas o’n cwmpas ar hyn o bryd [roedd hyn yn ymwneud â’r sesiwn a ddarparwyd ynghylch darpariaeth Addysg Heblaw yn yr Ysgol yng Nghaerdydd er mwyn eu haddysgu nhw am y gwaith y mae ACT yn ei wneud]. Gwnaeth helpu fi hefyd i ddatblygu sgiliau gwahanol gan gynnwys sut i archwilio darpariaethau addysg amgen.”

Yn ystod y diwrnod hyfforddiant 6 awr, cafodd y bobl ifanc amrywiaeth eang o hyfforddiant gwahanol, cawsant fwynhau ychydig o bizza, ynghyd â gemau ac arferion adeiladu tîm. Bydd yr hyfforddiant hwn yn eu galluogi nhw i deimlo’n hyderus wrth ryngweithio â myfyrwyr ACT a’u galluogi nhw hefyd i gynnal archwiliadau yn y dyfodol.

Cadwch lygad am ddiweddariadau ynglŷn â sut i fanteisio ar ACT ac ar ddiweddariadau am unrhyw archwiliadau eraill yn y dyfodol.

UNICEF Train Young People

Training day

Members of the Child Friendly City Advisory Board and Youth Health Board came together during the Easter holidays to receive training from UNICEF UK. The half-day session was delivered by Jeni Bainbridge who travelled from London to Cardiff to deliver the course.

Advisory Board Chair Rose Melhuish (17) said ‘I really enjoyed the session, Jeni was great and we learned loads about children’s rights and the work that UNICEF deliver’

Cardiff and Vale Health Board launched their Youth Health Board and Rights Charter in November last year and the board members have been busy.

They have taken part in interviews and received a range of training including safeguarding.

Lisa Cordery who supports the Youth Health Board said ‘This is a great opportunity for them to meet other young people and gain new skills, they are so keen they have given up a whole day of their school holidays!’

Both groups of young people will now work together to ensure that children and young people across the city are able to claim their rights and live in an even more child friendly city.

UNICEF yn Hyfforddi Pobl Ifanc

Daeth aelodau’r Bwrdd Cynghori Dinas sy’n Dda i Blant a Bwrdd Iechyd Ieuenctid ynghyd yn ystod gwyliau’r Pasg i gael hyfforddiant gan UNICEF UK. Jeni Bainbridge oedd yn arwain y sesiwn hanner diwrnod, gan deithio o Lundain i Gaerdydd i gyflwyno’r cwrs.

Dywedodd Cadeirydd y Bwrdd Cynghori, Rose Melhuish (17), ‘Mwynheais y sesiwn yn fawr iawn. Roedd Jeni’n wych a dysgom lawer iawn am hawliau plant a’r gwaith bod UNICEF yn ei wneud’

Lansiodd Bwrdd Iechyd Caerdydd a’r Fro eu Bwrdd Iechyd Ieuenctid a’r Siarter Hawliau ym mis Tachwedd y llynedd ac mae aelodau’r bwrdd wedi bod yn brysur iawn.

Maent wedi cymryd rhan mewn cyfweliadau ac wedi derbyn amrywiaeth o hyfforddiant gan gynnwys diogelu.

Dywedodd Lisa Cordery sy’n cefnogi’r Bwrdd Iechyd Ieuenctid, ‘Mae hyn yn gyfle gwych iddyn nhw gwrdd â phobl ifanc eraill a magu sgiliau newydd. Maent mor awyddus fel eu bod wedi neilltuo diwrnod cyfan o’u gwyliau ysgol ar gyfer hyn!’

Bydd y ddau grŵp o bobl ifanc yn cydweithio i sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc ledled y ddinas yn gallu manteisio ar eu hawliau a byw mewn dinas sydd hyd yn oed yn fwy ‘da i blant’.

German Youth Exchange

CYC on the road – building friendships

Taith Gyfnewid Ieuenctid i’r Almaen

CIC ar daith – gwneud ffrindiau


From the 12th to the 20th April CYC members had the opportunity to, once again, visit our sister City of Stuttgart, in Germany, alongside young people from North Ely Youth Activity Centre (YAC).

O 12 i 20 Ebrill, cafodd aelodau CIC gyfle i ymweld â’n chwaer-ddinas unwaith eto, sef Stuttgart yn yr Almaen, ynghyd â phobl ifanc o Ganolfan Gweithgareddau Ieuenctid Gogledd Trelái (CGI).


The long running relationship with Stuttgart has been going for more than 30 years. During this time, there have been many youth exchanges held with North Ely YAC and more recently Cardiff Youth Council have helped host a number of groups, including a school group from Stammheim, a municipal part of the city of Stuttgart, and Stuttgart Youth Council.

Mae’r berthynas hirsefydlog â Stuttgart wedi cael ei chynnal ers 30 mlynedd. Yn ystod yr amser hwn, mae sawl profiad cyfnewid ieuenctid wedi’i gynnal yn CGI Gogledd Trelái, ac yn fwy diweddar mae Cyngor Ieuenctid Caerdydd wedi helpu i groesawu sawl grŵp, gan gynnwys grŵp ysgol o Stammheim, rhan drefol o ddinas Stuttgart, a Chyngor Ieuenctid Stuttgart.




9 young people from Cardiff Youth Council and North Ely YAC set off in the very early hours of the morning on the 12th of April to travel to Heathrow.

During the visit they got to attend different youth centres across the city, meet politicians, go climbing and canoeing as well as explore the beautiful city of Stuttgart.

Coming soon – Please check out the Stuttgart Special Edition ShoutOut to find out more and see everything that we got up to during the trip.

Aeth 9 o bobl ifanc o Gyngor Ieuenctid Caerdydd a GCI Gogledd Trelái yn oriau bach y bore ar 12 Ebrill i faes awyr Heathrow.

Yn ystod yr ymweliad, cawsant fynychu canolfannau ieuenctid gwahanol ledled y ddinas, cwrdd â gwleidyddion, mynd i ddringo a chanŵio ynghyd ag ymchwilio â dinas hyfryd Stuttgart.

Yn dod yn fuan – edrychwch ar Rifyn Arbennig Stuttgart ShoutOut i gael rhagor o wybodaeth ac i weld popeth a wnaethom yn ystod yr ymweliad.

Welsh Water Event

Welsh Water Innovation Conference 2019 Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama 03.04.19 ©Steve Pope Fotowales

Back in October 2018, the Cardiff Youth Council (CYC) executive delivered a presentation to over 200 professionals at Sophia Gardens Cricket Ground. In the room were high profile business leaders and educationalists. Some of the attendees were staff members from Welsh Water who were so impressed by CYC’s presentation that they approached them to see if they would work with them in the future.

As a result of this, Welsh Water worked closely with the executive of CYC and invited them to deliver a speech, as a part of a workshop, during their annual innovation conference held in the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama.

Welsh Water have close links with many schools in Cardiff, especially primary schools. In their presentation, the executive spoke about how Welsh Water can better engage with the young people that they work with in these school environments by linking real world experiences in to the new curriculum developments. In terms of strengthening these relationships/creating new links with schools, the executive highlighted to Welsh Water that they can enhance and improve the impact they have on young people by encouraging them to engage and by inspiring them.

Welsh Water currently provides two kinds of education programmes, the apprenticeship programme and their graduate programme. The executive encouraged engagement with young people about these opportunities and spoke about how their programmes can unite the professional world of work and education for young people.

As a thank you for the presentation, Welsh Water provided the CYC executive with tickets to go paddle boarding – This will most likely be taking place during the summer.

Keep an eye out to see us paddle boarding!

Digwyddiad Dŵr Cymru

Ym mis Hydref 2018, rhoddodd gweithredwyr Cyngor Ieuenctid Caerdydd (CIC) gyflwyniad i dros 200 o weithwyr proffesiynol ym Maes Criced Gerddi Sophia. Roedd arweinwyr busnes proffil uchel ac arweinwyr y maes addysg yn yr ystafell. Roedd rhai o’r bobl yno yn aelodau staff Dŵr Cymru a oedd mor falch o weld cyflwyniad CIC fel eu bod wedi mynd atynt i weld a fyddai modd cydweithio yn y dyfodol.

O ganlyniad, gweithiodd Dŵr Cymru yn agos gydag aelodau gweithredol CIC a’u gwahodd nhw i ddod i gyflwyno araith, yn rhan o weithdy, yn ystod y gynhadledd arloesedd flynyddol yng Ngholeg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama.

Mae gan Ddŵr Cymru gysylltiadau agos â sawl ysgol yng Nghaerdydd, yn enwedig ysgolion cynradd. Yn ystod eu cyflwyniadau, siaradodd y weithrediaeth am sut gall Dŵr Cymru ymgysylltu â’r bobl ifanc y maen nhw’n gweithio gyda nhw mewn ysgolion drwy gysylltu profiadau byd go iawn yn natblygiadau’r cwricwlwm newydd. O ran cryfhau’r perthnasoedd hyn/creu cysylltiadau newydd ag ysgolion, rhoddodd y weithrediaeth wybod i Ddŵr Cymru y gallent wella a chynyddu’r effaith y maen nhw’n ei chael ar bobl ifanc drwy eu hannog i gyfranogi a thrwy’u hysbrydoli nhw.

Ar hyn o bryd, mae Dŵr Cymru’n cynnig dau fath o raglen addysg: y rhaglen brentisiaeth a’r rhaglen raddedig. Anogodd y weithrediaeth ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc ynghylch y cyfleoedd hyn, gan siarad am sut gall eu rhaglenni uno’r byd gwaith proffesiynol ac addysg i bobl ifanc.

I ddiolch am y cyflwyniad, rhoddodd Dŵr Cymru docynnau i weithrediaeth y CIC i fynd i badlfyrddio – mae’n debyg y bydd hyn yn digwydd yn ystod yr haf.

Cadwch lygad amdanom i’n gweld ni’n padlfyrddio!