Black History Month

Over the last few weeks CYC members have been working on a project for Black History Month and they have created a number of articles and posters about local, and international, black people who they admire. – see individual pages for further information.

These posters and the banner are on display in the Millennium Centre along with a Vinyl saying Welcome to Tiger Bay – see video below.

The artwork for the posters was created by CYC member Amy Titley and the artwork for the banner by CYC member Eshaan Rajesh.

During the recent #BlackLivesMatter movement across the globe we, Cardiff Youth Council (CYC), decided that we want to support it. We formed a group to look at what we could do and as part of this have developed a pledge, which states:

As a youth organisation that represents a diverse group of young people we have taken the decision to be a part of the change the world is calling for.

These are our three pledges to tackle racism in our communities.
Pledge 1

We pledge to celebrate, promote and increase the
prominence of black history month in our community. This
will include schools, workplaces and other youth
organisations to ensure everyone is educated in the
contribution minority groups have made to the United
Kingdom – i.e. Wind rush Generation.
Pledge 2

We pledge to challenge all forms of racism and
discrimination towards all groups. We will actively
challenge it by working with leaders and the community to
come up with solutions to the problem we face.
Pledge 3

We pledge to continue to be a platform where every young
person form all backgrounds can have their voices heard
without fear of racism or discrimination.
We will continue to be the voice for all young people.
We will actively review our pledge every year moving

Fahadi, Chair of CYC at the time of writing.

As an extension of this we want to celebrate Black History Month through the creation of articles celebrating just some of the key figures and events around black history.

The posters and banners around the Millennium Centre are some of the work that CYC members have created and a huge thank you must go out to the Millennium Centre for allowing us to show them.

We also think that the development of Cardiff Bay has diminished the multicultural background and history of the area, which was previously known as Tiger Bay, and we wish to celebrate it’s heritage and again, the Millennium Centre have allowed us to do this.

Video of CYC Black History Month posters, banner and welcome to Tiger Bay vinyl