CYC Reformation Group

New Chair Person elected

In the July reformation group meeting Connor Clarke stood down as group’s chair person so that he could concentrate his efforts on his Member of UK Youth Parliament (MYP) duties and responsibilities. Connor has served well and has helped to introduce a number of key changes to the way in which CYC runs. At the same meeting Lois Render was duly elected as the new chair person and Lechy O’Hare as vice chair.

The reformation group will be meeting regularly over the next few weeks and are in the process of developing their 2nd reformation day where all CYC members will be invited to come and have a say on how CYC can be improved, changed and where new ideas can be fed in.

The next reformation day is to be held on Saturday, 19th October, from 11am until 4pm in Grassroots.


Keep an eye out for future updates!


Grŵp Diwygio CIC

Cadeirydd Newydd wedi’i Ethol

Yng nghyfarfod grŵp diwygio Gorffennaf fe wnaeth Connor Clarke sefyll i lawr fel cadeirydd y grŵp er mwyn iddo allu canolbwyntio ei ymdrechion ar ei ddyletswyddau a’i gyfrifoldebau fel Aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid y DU. Mae Connor wedi gwasanaethu’n dda ac wedi helpu i gyflwyno nifer o newidiadau allweddol i’r ffordd y mae CIC yn cael ei redeg. Yn yr un cyfarfod cafodd Lois Render ei ethol fel y cadeirydd newydd a Lechy O’Hare fel is-gadeirydd.

Bydd y grŵp diwygio’n cwrdd yn rheolaidd dros yr ychydig wythnosau nesaf ac maen nhw yn y broses o ddatblygu eu hail ddiwrnod diwygio lle bydd pob aelod o’r CIC yn cael eu gwadd i ddod i roi eu barn ar sut y gellir gwella a newid CIC a chyflwyno syniadau newydd.

Cynhelir y diwrnod diwygio nesaf ddydd Sadwrn 19 Hydref rhwng 11am a 4pm yn Grassroots.

Cadwch lygad am ddiweddariadau!

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